Koinor’s modular range. In terms of adaptability, it is a true chameleon. OMEGA is the solution for anyone who wants furniture out of the ordinary. Multiplicity of possibilities… Human living environments are as unique as human ergonomics and the feeling of comfort. The OMEGA modular range is as varied as personal tastes are diverse. 6 armrests close to the floor
6 armrests free from the floor
3 legs in a variety of different surfaces
3 seat qualities: cylindrical spring, slat base, soft comfort
2 seat heights: 43 and 46 cm
2 seat depths: 54 and 57 cm
5 seat widths: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 cm
Great variety of elements: around 100 possible elements
2 stitching options: standard stitching or chain stitching
Selectable stitching color: tone-on-tone or with contrasting thread
Variety of upholstery materials: leather, fabric, microfiber
Practical accessories: integrated light, integrated drawer, headrest, cushions

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